Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I Want to Be

Now that I am transitioning from being Lindsay B. into Lindsay Young , I get to completely reinvent myself. What I will leave behind is my depression, and arrogance. What I will take with me is my original, strong, healthy and athletic, slender body, my compassion, my art, my endurance and spark for life, my education on all levels, my heart and every other aspect of myself that is in my highest good.

I will be a new person. And it has already begun. This is why I am fearful, because my ego and attachments know that when I change my name, like every good magic, I get to choose what I want to take with me and build into a newly birthed & begotten Self and also what I may leave behind. Aha, the wonder of transformation…

Further, I would become a preserver of stories, of people, places, & spirit, indigenous cultures, Diaspora, & displacement, rectification, & religion. (India, Maya, Guatemala, China, Thailand, Japan, Aborigine, Maori, Hawai’i, Mexico, Hopi, Navajo, Lakotah, etc. But also, Ireland, England, France, Amsterdam, Americas, Tibet, Nepal, etc.)

I want to be a writer – thereby capable of making commentary on anything. Life-stories, travel, spirituality, environment, education: like Annie Dillard or Elizabeth Gilbert, Bill Bryson, Emerson, & Thoreau, etc. Or write stories for children or tell tales about faeries or giants or mountains… or about me.

I will continue to learn about herbs, light, spirituality, and living naturally. These are all things that I want and imagine Lindsay Young to be.

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